domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

Una Card de cumple para Patty Tanúz

Hola!!!! Buen Domingo
a todas!!!
Patty Tanúz organiza un festejito en su blog con motivo de su cumple el 25 de enero...propone que le enviemos una card hecha con nuestras manitas creativas...pueden leer las bases de la dinámica en su blog:
Participen! será divertido!

1 comentario:

  1. Use this diet hack to drop 2 lb of fat in just 8 hours

    More than 160 000 men and women are losing weight with a simple and SECRET "water hack" to burn 1-2 lbs every night as they sleep.

    It's proven and works with everybody.

    Here's how you can do it yourself:

    1) Grab a drinking glass and fill it with water half full

    2) And then use this weight losing HACK

    and you'll become 1-2 lbs thinner as soon as tomorrow!
